Tuesday 24 August 2010

My first T-Shirt :)

I've been thinking lately about the difference between the amount of people who buy art and the amount of people who buy clothes. During a recession, most people only have money for the essentials, and art comes pretty far down the list of necessary purchases... and yet, people still want to look good, and will continue to add to their wardrobes even during difficult financial times. Most people are more concerned with how they look themselves than with how the walls in their house look.

I've come to the conclusion that if I want to share my art with the world, then I need to get people wearing it. With this in mind, I made my first customised T-Shirt today. I used machine washable, printable cotton from Crafty Computer Paper to make a fabric copy of Aorta Mandala, and attached it to a T-shirt using stitching and safety pins. I'm pleased with the final result, to the extent that I don't want to sell this and just want to keep it for myself to wear. I think I need to make lots more :) Once I've done a few, I shall set up an Etsy store to sell them along side prints and art cards.